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Under 8s Enjoy Melrose Tour

Under 8s Enjoy Melrose Tour

Tom Bulmer19 Jun 2023 - 09:00

DMP under 8's travelled to the historical home of Rugby 7s for their first ever tour.

The squad of eleven players represented six schools which is a brilliant indication of the inclusivity rugby can achieve.

We were welcomed by our amazing host Kieran from Melrose RFC on Friday afternoon. After tents were pitched parents and players enjoyed field games and of course, late night marshmallows around a campfire.

Saturday morning and the pre match excitement built alongside soaring temperatures. Sun cream applied we had a generous breakfast provided by our generous hosts before we descended to The Greenyards for photographs and pre match warm ups.

Both clubs fielded two teams and we played a tournament which was well supported by parents and numerous tourists. The standard of rugby was incredible. How much our players have progressed was inspirational. The Melrose coaching team commented on passing, defensive lines and team work being real strengths.

Saturday evening and all remaining energy was danced away at the G&A Hotel who put on a great BBQ and disco. Locals were treated to Kian's awsome remdition of Tika Tonga which has subsequently recieved over 14k views on Saracens Rugby Twitter account. Mowden players then presented a club plaque and other gifts were exchanged. We also celebrated George's birthday with a cake and song. With parents belting out 500 miles by The Proclaimers it was time to walk back to camp and have a game of lads v dads rugby.

Our team were incredible on and off the pitch. A real credit to the club. Friendships were formed and memories made. We cannot thank Kieran and Melrose RFC enough. Their warmth and generosity representing everything great about rugby.